May 22bestslotsonline, the 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds launched on May 17 began to be listed and tradedbestslotsonline, saw a surge in the exchange market.

bestslotsonline| The first phase of 30-year special treasury bonds rose 25% and 23% respectively on the first day of listing on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, and was suspended for the second time

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued an announcement at noon that the intraday trading price of "Teguo 2401"(code: 102267) rose by 20% or more for the first time compared with the previous closing price. The Exchange will temporarily suspend trading on the bond from 13:23:48 today and resume trading at 15:27:00.

This is the second temporary suspension of "Teguo 2401" on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange that day. As of the suspension of trading,"TEGO 2401"(102267) had increased by 23%, and the price was 123bestslotsonline.0000 yuan, which means that the bond's yield goes from 2bestslotsonline.57% decreased to 1.6011%.

In addition, the "24 Special Country 01"(code: 019742) listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was also temporarily suspended for the second time in the session and will resume trading at 15:27. As of the suspension of trading, 24 TEGO01 (019742) had increased by 25%, and the price was 124.999 yuan. The yield of the bond dropped from 2.57% to 1.5276%.

On May 17, 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds were officially issued with a coupon rate of 2.57%. This is also the first issuance of 1 trillion ultra-long-term special treasury bonds planned to be issued this year.

According to the issuance arrangement, the first 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are fixed-rate interest-bearing bonds, with a total amount of 40 billion yuan. In terms of the principal and interest redemption date, the current national debt will have interest starting from May 20, 2024, and interest will be paid semi-annually. The interest payment dates are May 20 and November 20 each year, and the principal will be repaid on May 20, 2054. Pay the last interest. According to the notice of the Ministry of Finance, the current treasury bonds will be distributed until May 20, 2024, and will be listed and traded from May 22.

After the suspension was suspended, the transaction volume of "24 Special Country 01" on the Shanghai Stock Exchange remained at 16,200 lots, and the price was quoted at 124.999 yuan. The trading volume of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's "Teguo 2401" was suspended at 2700 lots, with a turnover of 2.837 million yuan and a price of 1.230,000 yuan.