The announcement of the resolution of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders disclosed by Bank of Nanjing on the evening of May 20 showed thatedgingroulette, the proposal on the bank's issuance of financial bonds was reviewed and approved. According to the proposal, in order to further optimize the medium-and long-term asset-liability matching structure, increase and stabilize medium-and long-term debt sources, support the development of medium-and long-term asset business, and enhance its ability to support the real economy, Bank of Nanjing plans to apply for the issuance of financial bonds of no more than 15 billion yuan.

The reporter learned from the Bank of Nanjing that this issuance of financial bonds can, on the one hand, optimize the matching structure of the bank's assets and liabilities. On the other hand, it can raise medium-and long-term stable funds to better support the development of the real economy and do a good job in the "five major aspects of finance.", helping to build a modern industrial system and develop new productive forces.

edgingroulette| Bank of Nanjing: It plans to issue financial bonds of no more than 15 billion yuan to enhance its ability to support the real economy

The relevant person in charge of Bank of Nanjing stated at the shareholders 'meeting that the bank will adopt measures of "total control, limit management, and return constraints" to deepen the operation and management assessment system with capital use efficiency as the core, strengthen capital monitoring and evaluation, and actively promote the "light capital" transformation, achieve a reasonable match between capital levels and risk levels, increase capital returns, and enhance shareholder returns. In the next three years, the bank's capital planning goals will at least meet the core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio of 8%, Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio of 9%, and capital adequacy ratio of 11edgingroulette.5%。

The reporter noted that the shareholders 'meeting held on the same day also reviewed and approved a proposal requesting the shareholders' meeting to authorize the board of directors to decide on the 2024 interim profit distribution plan. It is reported that with the authorization of the shareholders 'meeting, the board of directors of Bank of Nanjing will formulate and implement a specific 2024 medium-term profit distribution plan if the profit distribution conditions are met. The interim profit distribution is based on the reviewed financial report for the corresponding period, with reasonable consideration of the current results, and the upper limit shall not exceed the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company during the corresponding period.

(Article source: China Securities Journal·China Securities Network)