IPad Pro OLED encounters HDR blue display problem Apple is developing software to fix it

[CNMO Science and Technology News] May 14SprpokerCNMO learned that according to the iMore website, some new OLED iPad Pro models are showing specific blue tones.SprpokerThere is a problem with the HDR content of. IMore's assessment showed that some of the blue color overexposed the highlighted areas of the HDR and almost appeared white, a defect that appeared in the form of compression artifacts in the sample images.

According to the images provided by iMore, under certain circumstances, certain blue tones, including deep sea army blue and indigo, can cause the highlighted areas of the HDR to be so overexposed that they appear almost white on the screen. The most obvious way to observe is to look at a character in a dark blue shirt, whose wrinkles glitter like cobwebs covering the surface, and sometimes like ink-stained clumps deforming on them.

IMore points out that this problem occurs only in "very specific cases" and is not observed on other OLED devices such as the iPhone 15 Pro. In addition, the problem is difficult to detect most of the time, and the exact cause of its occurrence is not clear.

sprpoker| iPad Pro OLED encounters HDR blue display problem, Apple is developing software to fix it

Apple has confirmed with iMore that it is aware of the problem and is developing a software update to fix it. With the progress of the restoration work, it is expected that this problem affecting the user viewing experience will be resolved soon.

The new generation of iPad Pro was officially released on the evening of May 7th. In addition to the M4 chip, its double-layer series OLED screen has also attracted much attention. With the blessing of the new screen technology, the new iPad Pro achieves a global brightness of up to 1000 nits and an extreme local brightness of 1600 nits.

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(this article is from Mobile China)