On May 7, Chongqing Dongyin holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "bot Holdings") disclosed that the group had signed a contract with Chongqing Jiangnan Urban Construction and Development (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing Jiangnan Urban Construction").Blackdiamondcasino100freespinsThe Strategic Investment Framework Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "War Investment Agreement") is proposed to push enterprises out of difficulties through judicial restructuring and a package of restructuring of assets, debts, rights and interests, and business.

Enterprise investigation shows that the controlling shareholder of Chongqing Jiangnan urban construction is the state-owned assets management center of Nanan District of Chongqing. Stimulated by the news, both Smart Agriculture (000816) and ST Dumas (600565) of bot Holdings rose by the daily limit on May 8, with bot Holdings holding 25% of the two listed companies.Blackdiamondcasino100freespins.55% and 35%Blackdiamondcasino100freespins.55% of the shares, but the relevant shares have been judicially frozen and frozen on the waiting list.

Subsequently, ST Dumas received an inquiry letter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, asking the company to verify whether there were information disclosure violations, to fully remind investors of possible delisting risks, and whether there was a situation that directly or indirectly cooperated with relevant parties in stock trading.

After the announcement of the above inquiry letter, the market's concern about ST Dumas deepened, and some investors questioned that the "war investment agreement" did not exist, but actually cooperated with the shipments of the relevant parties. Against this background, ST Dumas shares fell again, falling by the daily limit on May 9 and 10.

In response to the inquiry from the exchange, ST Dumas officially issued an announcement on May 11, giving a detailed reply to the above questions.

The announcement revealed that the main contents of the War Investment Agreement show that: in view of the fact that bot Holdings intends to resolve the debt crisis through judicial restructuring, Chongqing Jiangnan Urban Construction intends to participate in the restructuring process as an independent or investment consortium with other partners (hereinafter referred to as "investment consortium") as the restructuring investor of bot holding. If bot Holdings enters the reorganization process, Chongqing Jiangnan Urban Construction and / or its designated affiliated parties intend to participate in the competitive selection as restructuring investors at the stage of open recruitment of restructuring investors.

Since then, after the Chongqing Jiangnan urban construction or investment consortium has been recognized as a restructuring investor, and the bot holding restructuring plan has been approved by the relevant regulatory authorities and approved by the people's Court, Chongqing Jiangnan urban construction or investment consortium will implement the reorganization investment agreement and the reorganization plan. Among them, Chongqing Jiangnan Urban Construction also has the right to independently decide whether to form an investment consortium with other investors recommended by creditors to invest in bot Holdings.

At present, the above agreement has not yet determined the final total investment, investment method and term, specific shareholding ratio, shareholding price, equity and debt funds, etc., according to the best adjustment and / or the voting at the meeting of creditors, it shall be determined through consultation between the two parties (including the investment consortium) and in accordance with the relevant policies and regulations of the state.

blackdiamondcasino100freespins| The introduction of state-owned assets to fight investment has been questioned. The latest response: The agreement is more real than gold!

It should be pointed out that because bot Holdings failed to pay off its maturing debts, Chongqing Xingye Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Industrial Industry"), the creditor of bot Holdings, submitted the relevant materials for the reorganization of bot Holdings to the Fifth Intermediate people's Court of Chongqing (hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing Fifth Intermediate people's Court") on May 8. If the reorganization application materials are accepted by the court, bot Holdings will promote the reorganization work in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.

In response to the announcement, ST Dumas said that according to the above two circumstances, the controlling shareholder did not rule out a possible change in the holding control of bot, which may also affect the control of the company, so the relevant media learned from bot Holdings that "restructuring may involve a change in control of the company."

ST Dumas said that since the "war investment agreement" is only an intentional agreement signed by both sides, the specific investment plan, investment form, delivery arrangements, corporate governance structure and other core contents have yet to be agreed upon by the formal agreement, which is not a matter of disclosure required by the exchange, and there are no information disclosure violations in the company.

A source close to the restructuring of bot Holdings revealed to the Securities Times e that the contacts between the two sides of the strategic agreement began last year, under the premise of being reasonable, legal and compliant, and with the support of the government and bot restructuring special classes, the two have cooperated several times involving their companies.

As for when the formal agreement will be signed, the above-mentioned people said that the relevant matters are already accelerating and are currently waiting for whether the judicial restructuring application of bot Holdings can be approved by the Chongqing Fifth Central people's Court. On Friday (May 10), after the application documents for judicial reorganization were delivered to the Fifth Central people's Court of Chongqing, they have spoken to several parties concerned, affirming the seriousness and importance of judicial reorganization and asking both parties to submit materials.

As to whether the above matters affected the change of the actual controller, a reporter from Securities Times e called ST Dumas as an investor, and the company staff said that the announcement had made it very clear that this possibility could not be ruled out. As for whether the "war investment agreement" concerned by investors is true, the staff member replied, "this agreement is real and has been signed and sealed." I askedBlackdiamondcasino100freespinsYou promise, this agreement is more real than gold. "

In addition, ST Dumas said that after self-inspection and verification, the company, controlling shareholders, actual controllers, trading counterparties, Dong, Jian, Gao and their immediate relatives did not buy or sell company shares in the last month, and there was no case of directly or indirectly cooperating with the parties concerned in stock trading.

But it needs to be reminded that for ST Dumas, there is still a greater risk of delisting. The financial report shows that ST Dumas's net profit has been at a loss for three consecutive years, a large amount of debt is overdue, and the stock price has been less than 1 yuan for five consecutive trading days.

On May 6th, ST Dumas closed at 95 yuan per share, closing at less than 1 yuan. If, from that date, ST Dumas's daily closing price is less than RMB 1 for 20 consecutive trading days, the listing of the company's shares will be terminated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange due to the compulsory delisting of the trading class.

Editor: Chen Lixiang

Proofread: Yao Yuan

This article was first posted on the official account of Wechat: e company. The content of the article belongs to the author's personal point of view and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.