Per AI newsletter, Desi Siwei (002920) (SZ 002920, closing priceRoulettewheelonlinefree: 108Roulettewheelonlinefree.9 yuan) issued a notice on May 10, June 3, 2024, 14 p.m.RoulettewheelonlinefreeAt 45, the company will hold the second interim shareholders' meeting in 2024 in the conference room of Desai Xiwei, No. 6 Huitai North Road, Huinan High-tech Industrial Park, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province. The shareholders' meeting will consider the motion on the election of non-independent directors by the general meeting of the board of directors of the company. Shareholders registered after the market closes on May 28, 2024 can participate in the meeting to vote on the spot or exercise their voting rights through the voting system of the exchange.

From January to December of 2023, Desai Xiwei's operating income was composed of: automotive electronics accounted for 100.0%.

As of press time, Desai Xiwei's market capitalization is 60.4 billion yuan.

Daoda1997 "individual Stock trend" reminder:

1. In the past 30 days, the northward capital holdings of Desai Xiwei decreased by 93900 shares, accounting for 0.01% of the outstanding shares.Roulettewheelonlinefree

two。 In the past 30 days, a total of three groups of institutions conducted research on Desai Xiwei, with a total of 184 institutions.

roulettewheelonlinefree| Attention! Desai Sev will hold a shareholders 'meeting on June 3

Per headline (nbdtoutiao)-worth 17.81 trillion yuan! The "2024 Brand value list of Chinese listed companies TOP100" was unveiled in Shenzhen, with two well-known brands winning the championship and runner-up.

(reporter Zeng Jianhui)

Disclaimer: the contents and data of this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Operate accordingly at your own risk.

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