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Here comes the 20-year ultra-long-term special treasury bond.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of FinanceNaughtystrippokerOn the morning of the 24th, the 20-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will be officially launched. It is reported that this is the first appearance of 20-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, and it is also the first time that the Beijing Stock Exchange has served the issuance of special treasury bonds.

According to the issuance arrangement, the first 20-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are interest-bearing bonds with a fixed interest rate, with a total issue of 40 billion yuan, which is issued through the government bond issuance system of the Beijing Stock Exchange of the Ministry of Finance. The coupon rate was determined after competitive bidding by the underwriting syndicate on the morning of May 24. The bidding for the current issue of treasury bonds will be completed until May 27, 2024, and will be listed for trading on May 29.

The current treasury bonds will bear interest from May 25, 2024 and interest will be paid semi-annually on May 25 (holidays postponed, the same below) and November 25 each year, and the principal and last interest will be paid on May 25, 2044.

According to the analysis of industry insiders, the issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will help to build a more perfect treasury bond yield curve and give full play to the function of pricing benchmark.

Can individuals buy ultra-long-term special treasury bonds? How do I buy it?

Can individuals buy ultra-long-term special treasury bonds? How do I buy it? What do you need to pay attention to?

It is reported that according to different sales objects, treasury bonds can be divided into savings treasury bonds and bookkeeping treasury bonds. The ultra-long-term special treasury bonds issued this year are bookkeeping treasury bonds.

In the primary market, bookkeeping treasury bonds are issued mainly to institutional investors through bookkeeping underwriting syndicates, and claims are recorded by electronic bookkeeping in the Central Clearing Company. After listing, individual investors can also buy from institutional investors in the secondary market.

Specific to individual investors, they can be purchased through the over-the-counter business institutions of the national inter-bank bond market, or through securities companies that carry out bond brokerage business on the stock exchange.

For individual investors, the purchase of bookkeeping treasury bonds with maturity can obtain a stable principal and interest income. However, bookkeeping treasury bonds can be traded in the market during its duration, and the trading price of bookkeeping treasury bonds fluctuates with the market quotation. After buying, investors may gain trading gains because of rising prices, or they may face the risk of loss because of falling prices. Therefore, the individual investors of bookkeeping treasury bonds who do not hold maturity but take profits from transactions should have certain investment experience and risk-bearing ability.

The first batch of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are on a roller coaster.

On May 13, the Ministry of Finance made clear the arrangements for issuing 1 trillion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds this year. The maturity of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds includes 20 years, 30 years and 50 years, and the number of issues is 7, 12 and 3 respectively, and the interest is paid semi-annually. Among them, the 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds were officially issued on May 17, with an actual face value of 40 billion yuan with a maturity of 30 years and a coupon of 2.Naughtystrippoker.57%. After issuance, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds were listed on the exchange on May 22.

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After the listing of the first batch of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, it has experienced great fluctuations in the secondary market.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange's "24 Special country 01" rose sharply on the first day of listing, triggering a temporary suspension of trading for 30 minutes. After resuming trading at 10:00, the price soared again to 25%, and trading was temporarily suspended again at 10:08. In the last five minutes before the closing of the bond market on the exchange, the price of "24 Special country 01" fell sharply again, closing at 101.316 yuan, up only 1.32% on the day, and the yield rebounded to 2.5070%. However, the "Special Administrative 2401" of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange remains high.

On May 23, the market returned to rationality, and the market prices of special treasury bonds on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges fell back to near their face value. In the end, "Special Administrative 2401" of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange fell 15.91% to 100.654 yuan, with a turnover of 21.9562 million yuan, while "24 Special Nations 01" (019742.SH) of the Shanghai Stock Exchange fell 0.73% to 100.578 yuan, with a turnover of 722 million yuan.