Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, May 1532redpoker, some investors asked Tianrongxin (002212) questions. The company's 2023 annual report disclosed that the company has accrued 4.4% of the book goodwill.32redpoker.43 billion yuan in impairment amount, resulting in the first loss in net profit during the 2023 annual reporting period. Does the company have a plan to continue to make impairment amount on the book goodwill in 2024? Thank you!

32redpoker| Tianrongxin: The goodwill impairment test is conducted in accordance with the accounting standards. Currently, the risk of goodwill impairment in 2024 is low

The company replied, Dear Investor: Hello! The goodwill impairment test is conducted in accordance with the provisions of accounting standards. Currently, the risk of goodwill impairment in 2024 is relatively low. Thank you for your attention to the company!