It happened in a restaurant in Guangdong.Baccaratrouge540There was a conflict between a takeout clerk and a female shop assistant. The incident was caused by a verbal attack on the clerk, calling it "fat head and big ears". Then the clerk got out of control and had a physical conflict with the takeout clerk, resulting in the takeout clerk's glasses knocked off.

baccaratrouge540| The woman clashed with the delivery staff and was scolded for being fat. One sentence broke her defense and attacked instantly.

According to eyewitnesses, at that time, the takeout clerk went to the restaurant to pick up food and asked the salesgirl standing outside the door because she did not get a timely response. The salesgirl ignored it and only asked the takeout clerk to wait. As the takeout staff was sensitive to time and worried that the overtime delivery would be deducted, the two sides quarreled subsequently. During the dispute, the takeout clerk made an improper personal attack on the salesgirl, who immediately picked up the bottle and threw it at the takeout clerk, and began to attack, demanding an apology.

The incident caused widespread discussion on the Internet, and some netizens thought that the salesgirl's behavior was too extreme and should not respond to verbal attacks with violence.Baccaratrouge540Some netizens also pointed out that the verbal insult of the takeout clerk was the trigger of the incident, and both sides should be held responsible. In addition, some netizens mentioned the discrimination of takeout workers' occupation in the society, and called on the society to give takeout workers more respect and understanding.

Experts call on people to learn to respect others, control their emotions reasonably and avoid unnecessary conflicts in the workplace and daily life. At the same time, discrimination against different occupations should be eliminated, recognizing that each job has its own value and dignity, and work together to create a harmonious social environment.