The EU exports more than US$6 trillion in products every yearcoinmasterfreespindailybonus, including the fuel and mineral industries, automobiles, vaccines and technology. The following figure shows the main export products of EU countries as of 2022.

Oil and automobiles dominate the EU's main export products. The main export products of Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Sweden and the Netherlands are oil, natural gas or refined oil. the 2022coinmasterfreespindailybonusThe Netherlands exported $68.1 billion worth of refined oil, ranking third among the world's largest exporters. The Netherlands is home to Europe's largest refinery, BP's Rotterdam refinery.

Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain use automobiles as their main export product. Germany has well-known automobile brands such as Volkswagen, BMWYY> BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Porsche, and its annual automobile exports alone reach about US$150 billion.

coinmasterfreespindailybonus| illustration| What are the main export products of EU countries?

In addition, other products help diversify the EU economy. Ireland has an important pharmaceutical industry, with vaccine-related exports reaching US$47.3 billion in 2022. The world's top 10 biopharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Novartis, have all set up factories in the local area to supply the global market. France's main exports are aircraft, helicopters and/or spacecraft, with exports reaching US$26.6 billion in 2022, most of which come from Airbus.