Source: Steel Observation

recenthouseoffun200freespins2022, many steel companies have successively announced the resumption of production after completing maintenance and technical upgrades. The details are as follows:

houseoffun200freespins2022| A large number of steel mills resumed production!

Recently, the No. 1 blast furnace of Angang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. successfully supplied air after 17 days of annual maintenance, achieving production in 48 hours and efficiency in 72 hours, and shortening the recovery time by 48 hours. At present, the No. 1 blast furnace is running smoothly, and the coke ratio, blast furnace fuel ratio, blast furnace utilization factor, and daily pig iron output continue to be optimized.

On May 15, Shanxi Zhongsheng will bake a 1380-cubic meter blast furnace, and the daily iron water volume will also be 0houseoffun200freespins2022About.40,000 tons; finished materials are expected to be produced on May 20. Previously, Shanxi Zhongsheng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. stopped production at the end of September last year due to environmental protection, market and other factors, and currently plans to resume production.

On May 13, Zhang Shiwei, Secretary of the Yangbi County Party Committee, led a team to Dali Dagang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to investigate and supervise the enterprise's resumption of work and production, striving to achieve the enterprise's resumption of work and production on National Day.

On May 10, Shougang Changgang completed the maintenance of a 1080m³ blast furnace, and will increase the average daily output by 0houseoffun200freespins2022.3,800 tons, previously repaired on April 28.

On May 7, Laigang Yongfeng completed the maintenance of an 85T electric furnace and a thread production line. After the resumption of production, the average daily output of crude steel will be increased by 2,000 tons and the output of rebar will be 2,500 tons.

On May 6, Chongqing Iron and Steel completed the maintenance of a 2500m³ blast furnace and a 210T converter. After the resumption of production, the average daily output of molten iron was increased by 5,800 tons and the average daily output of crude steel was increased by 5,900 tons.

On May 4, Shanxi Gaoyi Iron and Steel completed the maintenance of a 1380m³ blast furnace, and will increase its average output by 3,500 tons after the resumption of production.

On May 3, Danyang Feida completed the maintenance of a 220T electric furnace and a 2500 medium and thick plate production line. After the resumption of production, the average daily output of crude steel will be increased by 5,500 tons, and the average daily output of medium and thick plates will be increased by 4,100 tons.

On May 1, Wuhang Iron and Steel completed the maintenance of two 105-ton electric furnaces, two bar threads, and one wire rod production line. After resuming production, the average daily output of crude steel increased by approximately 2,500 tons, and the output of rebar and wire rods totaled approximately 2,500 tons.

At 19:06 on April 30, Lue Steel Company's No. 1 blast furnace successfully resumed productionhouseoffun200freespins2022! At 23:10 on May 1, the steel plant successfully produced steel and resumed production.

On April 30, Fujian Third Steel completed the maintenance of a high-speed wire rod. After the resumption of production, the average daily output will increase by 2,300 tons. It was previously suspended for maintenance on April 20.