Equipment storage, maintenance and reduction plans of some domestic soda ash enterprises this monthmame32gamesHowever, after the maintenance of individual enterprises has been completed, domestic soda ash production will still remain at a high level. At present, downstream demand is stable, more new ignitions have been added to photovoltaic glass, demand for soda ash is expected to increase, and market procurement enthusiasm is relatively good. At present, the inventory of soda plants is still significantly differentiated, with some inventories high and most manufacturers having relatively low inventories. Orders for soda plants have dropped slightly. Under the short-term balance of production and sales, the overall inventory is expected to fluctuate little. Short-term trading of SA2409 contracts is recommended in the range of 2100-2300.

Researcher: Cai Yuehui

mame32games| Soda ash-More new ignitions have been added to photovoltaic glass, and demand for soda ash is expected to increase

Futures qualification number: F0251444

Futures investment consulting certificate number: 20013101

Assistant Researcher: Li Qiurong

Futures qualification number: F03101823


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