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It House, May 3 (Xinhua)-- during today's earnings call for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 (the first quarter of this year), CEO Tim Cook re-emphasized Apple's work on generative AI.

He stressed that Apple has taken a different approach from other companies, has the "advantage" that makes it "stand out" in the AI era, and will share "very exciting things" with customers in the near future.

Cook, the translator of IT House, said in the conference call as follows:

We will seize the development opportunities in the field of generative AI. We are making a major investment and look forward to sharing some very exciting things with our customers soon.

We believe in the transformative power and prospects of artificial intelligence, and we believe that we have the advantages that make us stand out in this new era, including Apple's unique combination of seamless integration of hardware, software and services. Groundbreaking Apple chips and our industry-leading neural engines, as well as our technology and unswerving focus on privacy are the foundation of everything we create.

It was previously reported that Apple's first AI function would run locally on the device and would not rely on cloud servers, making Apple's AI more private and secure than other online services. Apple plans to provide a generative AI on the device, which will require a lot of CPU and GPU capabilities, and Apple plans to focus on the AI through the upcoming M4 chip.

texasholdemset|库克再谈生成式 AI:苹果紧抓发展机遇,具备与众不同的优势

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