News summary

The PCR of rebar option positions rose to medium, and sellers 'bearish sentiment weakened; investors are advised to continue to hold the covered strategy. Iron ore futures are similar, with a low probability of a sharp rise in the short term, so it is recommended to hold a covering strategy.

Newsletter text

texasholdemhandrankings: The PCR of rebar option holdings rose to medium level, and bearish sentiment weakened

texasholdemhandrankings| The PCR of rebar option positions rose to medium level: sellers 'bearish sentiment weakened, and the covering strategy recommendation remained

Recently, the PCR (ratio of the number of put options to the number of call options) of rebar options has climbed to a medium level, reflecting that sellers 'expectations of a market decline have eased. Under this circumstance, for investors who hold rebar futures and have no plans to close positions, it will be a wise move to continue to implement the covering strategy.

In addition, the iron ore futures market also showed a similar trend, with option holding PCR also at a medium level, indicating that the market is unlikely to rise significantly in the short term. Therefore, for investors who hold iron ore futures and do not intend to close their positions in the short term, it is recommended to maintain the existing covering strategy.