






monopolymegaways| Direct Omaha| Chen Kaifeng: "The sky is the limit" for U.S. stock investment






新浪财经:投资Open Al是微软在近几年做的最成功的投资决策之一。您在去年新浪财经的专访当中就提倡大家投资微软,非常有先见之明,那您现在还会继续建议大家投资微软吗?或者您有什么其他人工智能领域的公司推荐呢?

陈凯丰:当然有很多,关于Open Al,当然去年到现在发生很多的事情,包括他的CEO被解职,然后又回来,但整个过程之中有一点很明显,就是微软的CEO对这个事情处理的非常得体。从头到尾他就说我会支持Open Al,但是呢,不去干预。实际上微软在里面非常受益,但是又让大家感觉他给Open Al留下了独立性。







Chen Kaifeng: I think so. Of course, at present, what you see most about electric cars is the year of sedan cars, which people drive every day, but in fact, electric cars are not only this kind, but there are many other ones, for example, a particularly good one is called agricultural machinery. Buffett is one of their largest shareholders, Bill Gates is also a major shareholder, he developed a large-scale integrated agricultural harvester and so on. There are also satellite navigation, artificial intelligence, and also electricity, all of which are driven by electricity, including, for example, current express vehicles like Amazon and electric trucks. So now this electrification trend is that there are many other electric car concepts that are far beyond what people think of this kind of car. In fact, there are many new ones being pushed out.

Sina Finance: when it comes to Open Al, its recently launched text-to-video model Sora is also very popular. The name Sora actually comes from the emptiness of Japanese, the emptiness of the sky. Speaking of the sky reminds me of Professor Chen's recent assessment of the development prospects of the US stock market on Sina Weibo: the sky is the limit. Could you explain the meaning of this sentence?

Chen Kaifeng: indeed, because we are now investing in the world and going to many countries, we can feel that the development of artificial intelligence is indeed unstoppable. the three largest pieces of artificial intelligence, one is hardware, that is, chips, and the other is software. it is the artificial intelligence big data model, and the third is the so-called data and computing power. Well, it is obvious that the United States is now very ahead of these three pieces. from this point of view, the driving force for the next step of the US economy is very huge, and the stock market will certainly benefit, which is different from the logic of investing in US stocks about two or three years ago. So the reason why I say that the sky is the limit now is that this large technology stock benefits from the three parts of artificial intelligence, software, hardware and data are all of great help.

Sina Finance: you just mentioned that Buffett reduced his holdings of Apple stocks. What kind of impact do you think his investment decision will have on Berkshire's business in the long and short term?

Chen Kaifeng: OK, first of all, Apple's performance in recent years is average, its revenue has dropped, but its profit is still good, its profit is very good, but its growth is weak. And Apple wanted to be its own car, electric car, but now it has given up. Apple makes new things like vision Pro, three-dimensional AR and VR, which are still very good. But it seems to give people the impression that Apple's own large-scale development may be limited, but Apple buybacks on a large scale, so if you are an Apple shareholder and you hold on to it, your share share is on the rise. So for Buffett, I think it is the right thing to do to sell some Apple shares. His share is getting higher and higher, so he should sell part of it to do something else.

Sina Finance and Economics: you just mentioned the repurchase of this stock. Recently, I am also concerned about a stock, that is, Meta. Its stock has also risen very fast. There is a big feeling that it has also started stock buyback and began to pay dividends. Do you think his move will attract Buffett, who likes cash flow very much, to invest in him?

Chen Kaifeng: this is hard to say, because Meta is really a pure software or partial software company. Buffett's words, I think he still likes hardware companies, especially those related to consumer goods. He especially likes consumer goods like Apple. Social networks like Meta may not fall within his circle of competence or are most concerned about.

Sina Finance: well, yes, Buffett doesn't seem to pay much attention to technology stocks and so on. For example, he doesn't think Apple belongs to technology stocks, he thinks it belongs to consumer stocks. When it comes to consumer goods, such as brands going out to sea, in the global economic environment, it seems that it is an inevitable trend for brands to go out to sea, such as Mata, whose stock is very good. Another big reason is that it benefits from the huge advertising revenue of cross-border e-commerce, such as pinduoduo Temu. What do you think is the probability of investing in Chinese brands going abroad?

Chen Kaifeng: China now has an advantage, that is, the cost advantage of the manufacturing industry, and it can be said that its production process, ah, has been very optimized. Therefore, China has an advantage in this point, but its disadvantage is tariff. All countries are increasing tariffs on China, and financial barriers are getting higher and higher.

Therefore, in the future, when Chinese brands export, I think the only thing we can do is local manufacturing, that is, to learn from Japan at that time. For example, if China wants to export products to the United States, it has to build a factory in the United States, and if it wants to export products to Germany, it has to build a factory in Germany. If it is exported to the Middle East now, it will build a factory in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in the future.

At present, this is a major trend, that is, you have to sell and make local. I think this is also the biggest opportunity for Chinese enterprises to push their production capacity to other countries, not in China. Now the domestic word is called inner volume, isn't it? He wants to put his production capacity to other countries, so to speak, this is the only way to internationalization.

Sina Finance: it sounds like this enterprise is going out to sea, and localization is also very important. Right now, at a time when the Fed has been slow to raise interest rates, with very high interest rates, very high inflation and very weak economic growth, what investment opportunities do you see? For example, some industries that you prefer and so on?

Chen Kaifeng: let me tell you about some of the industries we do now, all because we are relatively optimistic. One is medical and health, the medical and health section, including medical services, including biology, that is, stem cells, cancer treatment, etc.; the other is financial technology, global payments, which we also invest in; there is also health food, including organic food, organic agriculture, and so on; and electric cars, electric trucks. I think these are all industries with great opportunities. It can be said that the rapid growth of technology and the opportunity to subvert the existing industries are what we prefer.

Sina Finance: so let's go back to Buffett, Buffett's Berkshire, who bought the operator of the largest travel service center in the United States in January this year. What do you think of this decision?

Chen Kaifeng: I saw it today, too. There is a new pilot in this venue today, isn't there? Of course, although the acquisition, but there are still some problems, he now has a legal problem, that is, the seller is suing, want to get more money. I think this is actually quite typical. Buffett's favorite company with a high moat is equivalent to serving the truck driver. At the same time, in various parts of the United States, some retail, and so on, these are more difficult to re-copy, barriers to entry are very high, if he manages better, revenue, profits and cash flow will increase.


(新浪财经驻美特派员 白雪Amanda 郭一