Financial and economic network

Li Jing, a reporter from our newspaper

On the afternoon of May 21, Gujing tribute Liquor held the 2023 online performance presentation meeting. Communicate with investors on the company's development strategy, operation and other issues.

According to Gujing tribute wine financial report, the company's revenue in 2023 is 202.Doubledoublebonuspokerstrategy.54 billion yuan, an increase of 21.18% over the same period last year; net profit was 4.589 billion yuan, an increase of 46.01% over the same period last year. In the first quarter of 2024, the company achieved revenue of 8.286 billion yuan, an increase of 25.85% over the same period last year, and net profit of 2.066 billion yuan, an increase of 31.61% over the same period last year.

The national coverage rate has reached 70%.

At the performance presentation meeting, some investors asked: how is the nationalization of Gujing tribute wine now?

Yan Lijun, executive deputy general manager of Gujing Gong Wine, said that the company has steadily promoted the nationalization strategy and further expanded the company's market scale outside Central China. At present, the national coverage rate has reached more than 70%, and the proportion of intra-provincial and non-provincial structures is 6 ∶ 4.

In terms of market layout, in 2023, the operating income of Gujing tribute wine in central China, North China and South China was 17.107 billion yuan, 1.843 billion yuan and 1.283 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 19.17%, 39.01% and 26.89% over the same period last year.

As for how to accelerate the national layout next, Yan Lijun saidDoubledoublebonuspokerstrategyThe company continues to promote the 'nationalization, sub-high-end' strategy to create a number of large-scale provinces and regions, scale markets, scale customers, scale outlets, and further expand the company's market scale outside central China. "

Cai Xuefei, an analyst in the liquor industry and general manager of Zhiqu Consulting, told the Securities Daily: "in the current famous wine era, the nationalization of Gujing tribute wine is the objective requirement for enterprises to face the stock competition and market breakage. It is also the inevitable path for Gujing tribute wine to achieve higher performance growth."

Xiao Zhuqing, an analyst in the liquor industry and chairman of Wuhan Jingkui Technology Co., Ltd., told the Securities Daily that the nationalization strategy of Gujing Gong Liquor has developed from "horizontal" to "in depth". With the further deepening of channel basic work and the exemplary role of core markets outside the province, Gujing tribute wine market outside the province will contribute to the rapid growth of Gujing performance.

Revenue target of 24.45 billion yuan in 2024

In 2023, the sales cost of Gujing tribute wine reached 5.437 billion yuan, an increase of 16.46 percent over the same period last year.

Some investors raised questions about the high cost of sales. In response, Yan Lijun replied that "stable and sustained market input is needed to expand market share."

Financial report data show that in 2023, among the sales expenses of Gujing tribute wine, the subdivided advertising expenditure was 1.101 billion yuan, of which 85% was spent on TV and offline traditional channels, while only 166 million yuan was spent on online.

Cai Xuefei said that Gujing Gong Liquor, as one of the eight famous wines, backed by the big consumer market in East China, the national influence of the brand has been continuously enhanced, the product structure has been continuously upgraded, and the marketing model above and below the line has been continuously deepened. it has created a good foundation for the national development of Gujing tribute wine, and the development of the company is expected in the future.

doubledoublebonuspokerstrategy| Gujing tribute wine: national coverage rate reaches 70%, 2024 revenue target is 24.450 billion yuan

In response to this year's business target, Gujing Gong Liquor said it plans to achieve operating income of 24.45 billion yuan in 2024, an increase of 20.72% over the previous year, and a total profit of 7.95 billion yuan in 2024, an increase of 25.55% over the previous year.