In order to implement the spirit of the Central Committee's "document No. 1" and the spirit of the Central Financial work ConferenceWorldpokerdealsContinue to give full play to the futures market in serving the strategy of rural revitalization and safeguarding national food security.WorldpokerdealsTo play a positive role, Dashang issued a notice on May 15 to continue to promote the "Farmers' income Security Plan" (hereinafter referred to as "Agricultural Insurance Plan") project with "insurance + futures" as the core model this year.

In the 2024 agricultural insurance plan, Dashang Institute has respectively set up biological breeding demonstration projects, "silver insurance" seed and harvest special projects and pig breeding special projects. Among them, the biological breeding demonstration project will adopt the "insurance + futures" income insurance model to serve corn growers who participate in the "National Biological breeding demonstration work" organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and villages in 2024. The project is carried out in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, Jilin Province, Liaoning Province and Hebei Province. The special project of "silver period insurance" will adopt the "silver period insurance" mode of planting and harvesting, serving for large-scale new agricultural operators who can carry out unified planting and field management of soybeans or corn, unified harvesting and sales. The area of the project is Heilongjiang Province. The special project of pig breeding will adopt the "insurance + futures" price insurance model, serving ordinary farmers or new agricultural operators directly engaged in breeding production, which can be carried out all over the country. All projects must be based on the futures prices of corn, beans and live pigs, and rely on the market for risk diversification.

worldpokerdeals| DCI launches the 2024 "Farmers 'Income Guarantee Plan"

According to the notice, all items must be applied by futures companies. Among them, for biological breeding demonstration projects and "silver insurance" special projects, a single project must be led by 1 futures company and jointly carried out by 2-4 futures companies, and the deadline for project application is June 14, 2024; for pig breeding special projects, a single project is carried out by a futures company, which can be applied weekly, and the application deadline is December 26, 2024.

The person in charge of the relevant business of the Dashang Institute said that the relevant units are welcome to actively apply for the project on the basis of a detailed understanding of the project plans and requirements. The follow-up exchange will, in accordance with the relevant regulations, determine the project list as soon as possible, efficiently promote the project landing, strictly strengthen project management, and contribute to the stable increase of farmers' income and promote the high-quality development of agriculture.

Since the creation of "Insurance + Futures" in 2015, large trading houses have carried out such projects to serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" for 10 years in a row. According to statistics, last year, large trading houses carried out 285 "insurance + futures" projects in 25 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), ensuring the spot 218.Worldpokerdeals.660000 tons, serving small and medium-sized farmers 4Worldpokerdeals.30,000 households and 377 large-scale planting and breeding subjects. On the whole, the project achieved the expected goals for the whole year, especially in the pilot guarantee of national biological breeding industrialization promotion, the exploration and practice of "silver insurance" harvest model, and the standardized design of aquaculture "insurance + futures" products. It has been recognized by relevant ministries and commissions, local governments and participating parties.

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