Wei Wenyi, editor of every reporter Huang Wanyin

Recently, the shared area of housing, which has been hotly discussed in the market for many years, has appeared in many places.Baccarat365New changes have been made.

According to the official website of the Shenzhen Municipal people's Government on May 15, the 2024 version of the Shenzhen Architectural Design rules will be officially released recently. the amendments include the reduction of shared residential area, the effective increase of housing acquisition rate, and the implementation of 150m height limit for housing and dormitory. In the past, the two major public spaces, such as the refuge floor and the computer room, which were included in the "shared area", will be listed as "non-tolerance area" after the revision.

baccarat365| Shenzhen launches a new version of architectural design rules, including reducing residential pool area

On May 13, the Huizhou Natural Resources Bureau also issued a statement that auxiliary rooms such as public staircases, elevator rooms, water tank rooms, civil air defense alarm rooms, communication base station rooms and other auxiliary rooms on the roof of the building will not be included in the floor area, but the total building area excluding the volume ratio shall not exceed 25% of the roof area, and the above floor area shall not be included in the shared area.

In other words, the new policies of Shenzhen and Huizhou will reduce the calculation of shared residential area. At the same time, the occupancy rate of the interior of the house will also be increased, the depth limit of the balcony will be relaxed, and the convex (floating) window sill can not be included in the construction area under the conditions.

A number of industry insiders said in an interview with the Daily Economic News that the above measures are essentially by increasing the area of the suite and the area actually used, reducing the unit purchase cost and lowering the house price in disguise, which is conducive to promoting the enthusiasm of home buyers. For developers, it is also the loosening of product design, the housing rate of products will be significantly improved.

However, some lawyers remind that the above changes in the calculation of housing area do not necessarily lead to an increase in the area of property certificates. Recently, many new policies have been introduced to clearly reduce the public sharing area, which is not the same as the marketing behaviors such as "stealing area" and "gift area" launched by some development enterprises in the market.

More land to create new government and reduce the area of public sharing

According to the current measures for the Management of the Sale of Commercial Housing, the construction area of commercial housing is composed of the built-in floor area and the shared building area, the part of the built-up area is independent property right, and the shared building area is shared property right.

According to the "some measures for the Planning and Management of newly transferred Residential Land in Huizhou City from 2024 to 2025" issued by Huizhou Natural Resources Bureau, for land with an area of less than 30,000 square meters, the floor area of the first floor of residential buildings used for the construction of parking garages shall not be taken into account, but the floor height should not be greater than 4.Baccarat365.5 meters.

Recently, Zhaoqing City has also clearly issued a document to optimize the capacity requirements of real estate development projects: starting from May 1, new residential district projects will specify the public supporting facilities to be built in the planning conditions, such as primary and secondary schools, child care, community service stations, cultural rooms, health stations, pension facilities, neighborhood committees, police rooms, domestic waste collection and treatment facilities, substations, public toilets, etc., which can not be included in the volume ratio. However, after completion, it shall be handed over to the territory free of charge. Along the urban trunk road, Lincheng square, public green space, important landscape belt, half of the balcony is closed due to planning requirements. The staircase, elevator room, water tank room, civil air defense alarm room and communication base station computer room on the roof of the building "do not count the capacity area".

It is worth noting that the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Zhaoqing City also issued a notice on standardizing the allocation of common construction area of newly-built commercial housing. Starting from May 1, 2024, commercial housing in Zhaoqing City will be priced and sold according to the area in the suite. All real estate development enterprises and real estate brokerage institutions shall clearly mark the price of each set of commercial housing, and place a price tag, price list or price manual in a conspicuous position in the place of sale, and the price shall be consistent with the unit price of the area in the suite.

It is understood that at present, Zhaoqing is the first city in the country to implement on-site publicity of housing sharing area information and calculation methods, and it is also the only city in Guangdong Province to implement this practice.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Urban Planning, told the Daily Economic News that in essence, the new policy of planning area and sharing is not product innovation, but the adjustment of planning indicators to meet the needs of property buyers. This time, the new policy of Huizhou proposes that auxiliary housing should not be included in the floor area of the volume ratio and the shared area, which is in fact borne by the government or developers. The content of the adjustment in Huizhou belongs to the municipal supporting and should be borne by the government, which also improves the housing acquisition rate of the owners.

The design has more room for operation.

The revision of the 2024 edition of "Shenzhen Architectural Design rules" adds that "the depth of the balcony with half the area shall not exceed 2.4m, and the horizontal projection area exceeding part of the area shall be included in the prescribed building area". The previous architectural design rules in Shenzhen required that the depth of the balcony should not exceed 2.4 meters. After this revision, the balcony can be enlarged and the parts exceeding 2.4 meters can be included in the required construction surface. When the conditions are satisfied, the convex window can not be included in the construction area, and the revised depth is also increased from 0.6 meters to 0.8 meters.

A person from a local real estate company in Shenzhen told the Daily Business News that Shenzhen's previous "70go 90" policy, volume requirements, raised windows and balconies were so strict that there was no room to relax. "if the above new policy falls to the ground, there will be more room for operation in the design of residential products, although there is no way to make houses with an occupancy rate of more than 100% as before 2014, but at least on the scale of some bedrooms and living rooms, it can be more open."

On May 13, Foshan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other nine departments also issued a circular on a number of measures to continuously promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. The document shows that enterprises are encouraged to develop diversified and high-quality residential products. For the newly sold residential land, the upper limit of the "half" capacity of the balcony in the residential suite is increased from 18% to 20% of the floor area; the depth and area restrictions on a single balcony are removed; the requirement that the height difference between the convex (floating) window sill and the ground is less than 0.45 meters is removed. When issuing planning conditions, a certain degree of flexibility is reserved for the preparation of subsequent building plans.

Zhaoqing's new regulations also do not take into account the area of floating windows of fully daylighting residential buildings with a net height of no more than 2.10 meters and a depth of no more than 0.80 meters.

"According to Foshan's new policy, the interior area can be more than 90% of the building area. In this way, a house with a building area of 90 square meters can have three rooms, but originally only two rooms can be built, which actually plays a role in controlling the total price., the effect of helping improve demand." Li Yujia said that for real estate companies, projects with increased housing acquisition rates are more competitive than other projects, with lower unit prices and faster removal, which will naturally boost developers 'enthusiasm for land acquisition.

"Referring to Guangzhou's experience, the policy is favorable for developers to acquire new plots of land and consumers who purchase the project, but for projects that have previously entered the market but have not been developed or sold (without floor area ratio or pool advantage), it forms a relatively obvious competitive advantage, causing the latter to face huge pressure when demolishing, especially for projects with close distances." Li Yujia added.

Foshan's new policy for calculating capacity is similar to the "Method for Calculating Floor Area Ratio of Construction Projects in Guangzhou City" issued by Guangzhou in November 2023. However, Guangzhou also encourages the installation of multiple balconies, home gardens, etc. In addition, for duplex residences with a floor area of more than 144 square meters, Guangzhou has also relaxed the benchmark value of the floor height of the living room and living room from the original 6 meters to 7.2 meters.

However, the recent introduction of new policies in many places to explicitly reduce pool area is not the same as the marketing behaviors such as "donated area" launched by some development companies in the market.

Lawyer Yang Dengji, a partner at Guangdong Hebang Law Firm, reminded that buyers and developers should stipulate in detail the area (in-house and shared area), calculated volume, etc. of the commercial house purchased in the "Commercial House Sales Contract", including the actual delivery of commercial houses. If there is a difference in area when commercial houses are delivered, the more should be refunded and the less should be compensated.(Specific compensation is based on the total area difference, in-suite area difference, shared area difference, etc.) The calculation standards of the New Deal should be stipulated or marked in detail in the contract, and the developer should not believe in the "stolen area" or "donated area" promoted by the developer."" area "behavior.

"Secondly, because the New Deal proposes new calculation methods for the calculated area and public pool, developers may cause illegal construction behaviors such as changing house design and planning in order to increase the area. In order to improve the market competitiveness of their sold apartment products, some developers may adopt the option of opening the balcony when they fail to pass the planning acceptance, and fully follow the drawings submitted for planning approval. After the planning acceptance is passed, the balcony will be uniformly closed according to the owner's needs before handover. Exterior walls and installation of glass, etc., turn the original balcony into a bedroom, etc. On the surface, this is to increase the usable area of the house, but it is very likely to be classified as illegal construction, which will lead to the risk of being punished or forced demolition." Yang Dengji said.