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Industrial silicon futures fall, spot prices stalemateCrashmindovermutantpcdownloadThe willingness of enterprises to start work is low, the supply increment is not as expected, and the cost support appears; the demand side is weak but gradually stabilizing, it is recommended to wait and see. The reference range of SI2406 contract is 11500-12100 yuan / ton.

Text of news flash

[industrial silicon futures market shows a downward trend and spot prices stabilise] the industrial silicon futures market has fallen in recent trading, while the spot market has remained deadlocked and prices have not fluctuated significantly. From a fundamental point of view, due to the market downturn, the production enthusiasm of enterprises has declined. Although the southwest region is rich in water resources, the supply may not increase as expected, which may form some cost support for prices. Although the performance on the demand side is still weak, the negative factors are gradually releasing, the downward trend of polysilicon prices is beginning to slow, and the price bottom is gradually showing signs of stabilization. In the operational strategy, it is recommended that investors temporarily maintain a wait-and-see attitude, focusing on the price range of SI2406 contracts, which may fluctuate between 11500 and 12100 yuan / ton. [metal silicon market price is basically stable] according to the data released by Baichuan Yingfu, the overall price of China's metal silicon market remained stable on May 14, with a reference price of 13362 yuan / ton, unchanged from the previous statistical day. Although the price of metal silicon fluctuates little at present, the market supply continues to increase, the growth on the demand side is relatively limited, and the price rise is expected to be unlikely in the short term. On May 14, the prices of different grades of silicon metal in SMM East China also remained stable, in which the price range of oxygen-free 55 metal was in the range of 12900-13100 yuan / ton, oxygen supply was in the range of 13200-13400 yuan / ton, oxygen supply was in the range of 13500-13600 yuan / ton, 44 metal was in the range of 13500-13700 yuan / ton, 42mm in 13700-13800 yuan / ton, organosilicon was in the range of 13900-14000 yuan / ton, and 330 was in the range of 14000-14,200 yuan / ton. Silicon prices in Kunming, Huangpu Port, Tianjin Port, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Fujian and Shanghai also remained stable. When making investment decisions, investors need to pay close attention to the changes of market supply and demand, as well as the production and sales of enterprises, in order to make reasonable investment decisions. At the same time, it should also be noted that although the overall market is relatively stable at present, there is still some uncertainty about the future price trend, which requires vigilance.

crashmindovermutantpcdownload| Industrial silicon: Spot prices are deadlocked, with the SI2406 contract range of 11,500 - 12,100 yuan/ton