According to a report on the website of RT today, Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain that Russia will retaliate against Britain if Ukraine uses British weapons to attack Russian territory.

According to reports, British Foreign Secretary Cameron told Reuters during a visit to Kiev last week that Ukraine has the right to use weapons provided by Britain to attack targets in Russia, and whether to do so depends on Kiev. After Cameron made the above remarks, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned British Ambassador to Russia Nigel Casey on the 6th.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement after the summons, "Casey was warned that if Ukraine uses weapons provided by Britain to attack Russian territory, Russia's response may be aimed at Ukraine or its territory."WishuponaleprechaunAny British military facilities and equipment in other areas have launched (retaliatory strikes). "

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the United States and other Western countries had previously imposed restrictions on the scope of Ukrainian use of these weapons to hit targets when providing long-range weapons to Ukraine. Cameron's latest statement "in fact acknowledges that his country is a party to the conflict", and Russia regards Cameron's remarks as "evidence of a serious escalation of the situation." It also confirms that London is increasingly involved in military operations in Kiev.

wishuponaleprechaun| Russia issued an ultimatum to Britain: If Ukraine uses British weapons to attack Russian territory, Russia will retaliate!

RT said that earlier on the 6th, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that it would hold a non-strategic nuclear weapons exercise to test the operational readiness of tactical nuclear weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin issued an order to conduct the exercise after Western officials made "provocative remarks and threats", the Russian Defense Ministry said.