Interface News reporter | Xiao Fang

Interface News Editor | Wen Yingqi

Interface news is learned from byte jump insiders.Applearcadefreefor3monthsByte beat Enterprise Disciplinary and Professional Ethics Committee today reported 61 cases of violations of law and discipline by employees, and all the employees involved were dismissed.

Four people were put on file for investigation by the public security organs on suspicion of constituting a criminal offence. One of the Douyin employees took advantage of his position to illegally accept huge fees from external partners and was put on file by the public security organs for investigation and criminal detention on January 26. At present, byte jump has been disqualified from its options and year-end bonus assessment. In March this year, a former outsourced employee of product research and development and engineering structure, together with external agencies to use Douyin accounts to browse and obtain illegal income, was placed on file for investigation and criminal detention.

Another 24 employees took advantage of their work duties to provide assistance and receive benefits to outsiders, as well as the use of false materials for illegal reimbursement, illegal taxi hailing and obtaining housing subsidies. These employees are dismissed for violating the company system such as "byte beat employee Code of Conduct" and "employee Handbook". And according to the specific circumstances of additional cancellation options, ordered to return all illegal income, synchronous Sunshine Integrity Alliance and Enterprise Anti-Fraud Alliance and other penalties.

Among them, there are a number of employees for a long time illegal reimbursement, illegal taxi-hailing and other behaviors. For example, from July 2020 to January 2024, an employee reimburses the inflated invoice amount or private consumption in the name of business hospitality expenses, embezzling more than 30,000 yuan in the company's assets. Another employee illegally used a corporate account to hail a taxi during his commute from October 2020 to August 2023, and reimbursed team-building expenses in the name of travel expenses such as "visiting customers" and "attending meetings". The illegal use of the company's assets totaled more than 30,000 yuan.

There are also a number of employees who do not meet the conditions for overtime taxi reimbursement or do not actually visit customers to make false claims by purchasing invoices externally and asking for invoices from taxi drivers. The amount of money involved ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands of yuan, and the company has ordered them to return all the illegal income.

applearcadefreefor3months| ByteDance fired 61 people for internal anti-corruption, and employees who received huge "facilitation fees" were detained

In addition, an employee who did not work in the work area for personal reasons lent work card to outsiders and asked him to swipe his card for a total of 21 working days. During the period of holding the former employee work card, the outsider entered the canteen inside the work area for 14 times and occupied 490 yuan in the assets of the byte beating company.

Six people violated the byte-beating conflict of interest system. According to the survey, these employees do not declare and avoid specific stakeholders in business cooperation, and take advantage of business opportunities to make profits for themselves or their specific relationships. Among them, a former employee of an international e-commerce took advantage of his position to illegally arrange for a number of relatives to serve in or cooperate directly with a service provider whose team was closely linked, and secretly arranged for his subordinate H to help his relatives enter the platform to set up shop.Applearcadefreefor3monthsA former employee of the life service took advantage of his position to take the initiative to find the external merchant to which he was connected and asked to join the brand store of the business; another former employee of the life service had a close relationship with his colleagues in the same group and did not declare a conflict of interest to the company.

Another 10 people illegally obtained, saved and leaked the company's internal information and handed over the company's internal systems containing sensitive data to outsiders. Among them, a pre-cut employee cooperated with a former employee of the product development and engineering structure and competitive product company CEO to develop competitive products, Wang Shaoyan also used the company's resources and working time to participate in the operation of an external company, and there were circumstances that seriously hindered the company's investigation process; there were also a number of employees of e-commerce, real estate and home improvement departments who leaked sensitive information and data from the department to outsiders.

In March this year, byte beat also reported cases of anti-fraud violations for the whole of 2023. Douyin Group investigated and dealt with 177cases of fraud violations, of which 136 were dismissed for violating the clean red line and 23 were transferred to judicial organs for suspected crimes.

In terms of byte beat, it always adheres to a "zero tolerance" attitude towards corruption and bribery, and firmly opposes all fraudulent and untrustworthy acts. If any violation of laws and regulations or employee code of conduct is found, once verified, all the employees involved will be dismissed and will never be hired. If the relevant acts are suspected of breaking the law and committing crimes, the group will fully cooperate with the judicial investigation and investigate the legal responsibility of the persons involved in the case.