The most important news on the weekend was undoubtedly the release of regulations such as the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Shareholding Reduction by Shareholders of Listed Companies". Judging from the specific details,luabingo, further plugging loopholes in reducing holdings, such as reducing holdings in divorce, reducing holdings in refinancing, and arbitrage by additional issuance, which is undoubtedly a major positive for A-shares. We believe that the short-term may be just a temporary boost to emotions, but in the medium and long term, the supply and demand relationship in the market economy determines prices, policies continue to tighten the supply side, and the supply and demand relationship gradually balances. This is the confidence of A's chief in the future. Moreover, judging from the series of reform measures since this year, it is indeed advancing step by step from the financing market to the investment market. It is by no means empty talk. We believe that in the near future, a bull market for Chinese assets will surely come. Judging from today's A-share market, several major indexes are emerging from a bottoming and recovery trend. In the morning session, it was a continuation of the early sell-off. However, with the rapid rise of the Hong Kong stock market in the afternoon, the A-share index and individual stocks also quickly recovered. The Shanghai Composite Index and the Science and Technology Innovation 50 Index rose 1%, and individual stocks also rose 1% from the morning.luabingo:4 It has rebounded to a state of rising more and falling less. As I told you earlier, Hong Kong stocks are the leader in China's assets. If Hong Kong stocks can effectively stop falling, stabilize or even counterattack upwards, they will also block the downside of A shares. In terms of operation, everyone can keep an eye on the movements of Hong Kong stocks, which will have a certain forward-looking and leading role. For medium and long-term positions, we have always emphasized that the correction of low-ranking blue chip stocks is the opportunity to purchase goods. For example, we have repeatedly emphasized that Hong Kong stock vocational education stocks, Hong Kong stock brokerages with severe AH upside down, gold and silver stocks with P/E ratios of less than 10 times, and domestic products. Substituting the leader and other directions is the concept of value investment. But for short-term speculation, we must seize the safety belt of the 520 rule. Below the 20th line of the index, we should focus on defense, with more watching and less moving. Although A-shares rebounded to a certain extent today, the intensity remains to be seen. Whether the 20th line can be quickly recovered will determine whether our short-term positions can be entered.

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