On Monday, all four stock index futures rose, and the main contracts of each stock index futures all rose by more than 0candycrushuptodown.5%。

Judging from market trends, last week's stock index experiencecandycrushuptodownThe high level fell back, with the correction in the broader market sector being particularly significant. The sector rotated rapidly, with the pharmaceutical biology, TMT and financial sectors becoming the main factors dragging down the index. The market has a strong demand for hedging on the spot side, and the increase in the basis premium also reflects this.

candycrushuptodown| Everbright Futures 0527 Opinion: Four stock index futures rose together, paying attention to the implementation of policies

In terms of funds, the net inflow of funds to the north was limited last week, and the financing balance decreased, indicating that the market funds are relatively stable, but trading enthusiasm has declined. At the factor level, low valuations and dividend factors are prominent, market risk appetite has declined, or they tend to seek safe assets.

Fundamentally, although the effect of real estate sales policy adjustments has not yet appeared, and the impact of policy expectations on the market before the important meeting in July is not clear, the market sentiment is positive and optimistic that economic data will gradually pick up, and the policy will continue to be loose. May bring support to the market.

On the whole, the market has already responded to the slight weakening of economic data, and the market expects that the domestic economy will still maintain a recovery trend. Potential driving factors may still exist, paying attention to the implementation of policies and changes in economic data.

Source: Wind, Everbright Futures Research Institute

Written by: Shi Yueming

Qualification: F03097365

Investment consulting qualification: Z0017563

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